
You can help me to develop the plugin using pnpm !

  1. First, clone the project on your computer with git clone
  2. cd obsidian-enveloppe
  3. pnpm install
  4. Create an .env file with the following content:
  1. pnpm run dev
  2. Enjoy!

Some notes:

  • I use Conventional Commit to generate the commit message, so please respect the format!
  • Don’t forget to document your functions!


Using i18n, you can translate the plugin.

To add a new language:

  • Clone the dedicated repository
  • Take the file of the langage you want to translate (for example es.json for Spanish) and use the english file (en.json) as a base.
  • Translate the file, while keeping the {{variable}} (you can’t translate them)
  • Create a pull request on the repository with the new file

Test locally

You can test locally your translation if you want, but you need to clone the main repository with submodule, have node and pnpm, run pnpm i and run pnpm run build, without forget to add the file main.js in your .obsidian/plugin/obsidian-mkdocs-publisher. Don’t forget to reload Obsidian after the copy!


If you use VSCode or jetbrain editor, you can look at i18n Ally to get some useful tool for your translation!

It is also possible to use Weblate to translate the plugin!